Wednesday, September 14, 2011

boogers and bluntness

Physically, pregnancy seems to suit me quite well thus far, knock on wood. I feel sublime.

But mentally?  Well, that's a different story.  It appears I've developed a new-found bitchiness  bluntness.  Case in point - yesterday's hallway exchange with a middle school nose picker:

Nose Picker: "Mrs. N, can you help me with my locker? I can't get it open." 

Me: "No."

Nose Picker: "Why?"

Me: "Because you've been knuckle-deep for the last 60 minutes, dude.  I watched you.  But you know what's worse, kiddo?  I watched you eat them. So no, I will not help you because I don't want to touch something you've touched." 

Nose Picker: "Oh. Well, that's not very nice." 

Me: "It's a lot nicer than what your classmates will say when they catch you eating your boogers in 7th grade...."

Nose Picker: "So how will I get it open?"

Me: "Hmmm. Maybe you could ask  Mrs. Smith? She's GREAT at opening lockers." 

For the record, Mrs. Smith falsely accused me of jamming the copier that day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Well, hello there, little creature.

It's real! It really happened.

We saw and heard a heartbeat last week, and it was such a beautiful sound.  Oddly, I didn't cry, which would surprise most people who know me, as I usually cry at the drop of a hat. Hallmark commercials do me in every time. And Sarah McLachlan REALLY needs to stop narrating those animal cruelty ads. Seriously - waterfalls every time.  But alas, no tears for the heartbeat; I think I was just overwhelmed with awe.

This little blob is now affectionately known as 89Q. Symptom-wise, I feel great, just REALLY tired. Like Rip Van Winkle style. I really think I could sleep for years, so don't be surprised if I wake up looking like Blanche from the Golden Girls. I even nodded off in class the other day while my students were watching a video clip. Oops.  I am still a nervous wreck over everything, and I Google any ache and pain, but so far, so good. The doctor estimates that there is only a 5% chance of miscarriage at this point. Or, as I like to think, a 95 % chance that I will get to meet 89Q in April.  Staying positive.

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