Wednesday, September 14, 2011

boogers and bluntness

Physically, pregnancy seems to suit me quite well thus far, knock on wood. I feel sublime.

But mentally?  Well, that's a different story.  It appears I've developed a new-found bitchiness  bluntness.  Case in point - yesterday's hallway exchange with a middle school nose picker:

Nose Picker: "Mrs. N, can you help me with my locker? I can't get it open." 

Me: "No."

Nose Picker: "Why?"

Me: "Because you've been knuckle-deep for the last 60 minutes, dude.  I watched you.  But you know what's worse, kiddo?  I watched you eat them. So no, I will not help you because I don't want to touch something you've touched." 

Nose Picker: "Oh. Well, that's not very nice." 

Me: "It's a lot nicer than what your classmates will say when they catch you eating your boogers in 7th grade...."

Nose Picker: "So how will I get it open?"

Me: "Hmmm. Maybe you could ask  Mrs. Smith? She's GREAT at opening lockers." 

For the record, Mrs. Smith falsely accused me of jamming the copier that day.


  1. LOL! Well, at least your new found honesty can also be considered constructive mentoring. Right? :-) Betcha that kid at least *thinks* about what you said before he goes mining for gold again!

  2. LOL you are too funny!! :) Glad you are feeling good, so am I. I think we should consider ourselves lucky! Although, I'd really like to stop worrying.....!


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