Monday, July 11, 2011

Am I indecisive? Maybe. Maybe not.

I am a very bad decision maker. If you don't believe me, here's some proof: I purchased four wedding dresses. Four. Quatro. Dresses 1 and 2 were returned, dress 3 was butchered in alterations, and dress 4 was purchased a mere ten days before my wedding. 

See, when required to make a decision that is lasting, costly, or life altering, I simply can't make up my mind. Some call it being indecisive. Some may call it crazy.  I call it being prepared. Hence why I currently have 36 paint chips sitting on my coffee table. Yep. I am already stressing about making a paint-color decision for walls in a home that we don't even own yet. When I have to make a big purchase, I research my options obsessively, sleep on it, contemplate, and research some more. The Best Buy salesmen now run for the hills when I approach. If I don't go through this obsessive charade, I end up with major buyer's remorse. Trust me. I had four wedding dresses, remember?

But two years ago yesterday, I made the easiest big decision of my life --I married my husband.  The dress may not have been  the one of my dreams, but saying "I do" was a piece of cake. 


  1. I am the same way! I go back and forth about everything and have the hardest time even picking something on a menu. You are not alone.


  2. MissC: Glad to know I'm not the only lunatic! Imagine how hard it will be to register for your baby stuff!


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